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Game 41: "Circus Peanuts: Jam edition"
Press Enter to start.
X = sword, Z = rocks, A = bombs, arrow keys = move, P = pause, M = mute.

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Creative Commons License
This work by Nathan McCoy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. / boolean[] keys = new boolean[256]; boolean title; boolean paused; boolean muted; int drawing_ms_last; int physics_ms_last; int CORE_FPS = 540; int DRAWING_FPS = 60; int PHYSICS_FPS = 180; int DRAW_MS = 1000 / DRAWING_FPS; int PHYS_MS = 1000 / PHYSICS_FPS; int game_mode = -1; int PC_MAX_LIFE = 6; int pc_life; int BASIC_SPRITE_RADIUS = 20; float SMOOTH_GROUND_THRESH = 2; color SAND_COLOR = color(247, 215, 164); color[] floor_color = {color(160, 225, 120), color(120, 200, 90), color(255, 225, 174), color(235, 205, 150), color(128, 128, 128), color(108, 128, 108), color(108, 88, 88)}; color[] wall_color = {color(192, 192, 192), color(192, 192, 192),color(192, 192, 192),color(192, 192, 192),color(192, 192, 192),color(192, 192, 192),color(192, 192, 192)}; PVector pc_facing; int SWORD_TIME = 30; boolean has_16bit_sword; boolean has_spin_attack; boolean has_bombs; boolean has_slingshot; int carried_bombs; int carried_rocks; int max_bombs; int max_rocks; int START_BOMBS = 5; int START_ROCKS = 10; Minim minim; AudioSample swordSound; AudioSample bushSound; AudioSample peanutSound; AudioSample heartSound; AudioSample painSound; AudioSample killSound; AudioSample hitSound; AudioSample gotSound; AudioSample secretSound; AudioSample blonkSound; AudioSample rockSound; AudioSample bombSound; void audioInit() { minim = new Minim(this); swordSound = minim.loadSample("sword.wav", 1024); bushSound = minim.loadSample("bush.wav", 1024); peanutSound = minim.loadSample("peanut.wav", 1024); heartSound = minim.loadSample("heart.wav", 1024); painSound = minim.loadSample("pain.wav", 1024); killSound = minim.loadSample("kill.wav", 1024); hitSound = minim.loadSample("hit.wav", 1024); gotSound = minim.loadSample("gotathing.wav", 1024); secretSound = minim.loadSample("secret.wav", 1024); blonkSound = minim.loadSample("blonk.wav", 1024); rockSound = minim.loadSample("rock.wav", 1024); bombSound = minim.loadSample("bomb.wav", 1024); } void audioClose() { minim.stop(); swordSound.close(); bushSound.close(); peanutSound.close(); heartSound.close(); painSound.close(); killSound.close(); hitSound.close(); gotSound.close(); secretSound.close(); blonkSound.close(); rockSound.close(); bombSound.close(); } GameList stuff = new GameList(); GameList sprites = new GameList(); ArrayList blocks = new ArrayList(); ArrayList done_rooms = new ArrayList(); PlayerSprite pc; int pc_busy_timer; int room_x; int room_y; int room_z; float DANGER_XY_SCALE = 0.3; float DANGER_Z_SCALE = PI; int DUNGEON_THRESH = 3; float roomDanger(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { return 7 * noise(rmx * DANGER_XY_SCALE + 128, rmy * DANGER_XY_SCALE + 128, rmz * DANGER_Z_SCALE + 128); } void buildRoom() { int x = room_x; int y = room_y; int z = room_z; int room_level = (int)roomDanger(x, y, z); if(room_level > DUNGEON_THRESH) bgmLoopPolite("obstinate_dungeon.mp3"); else bgmLoopPolite("peanut_field.mp3"); blocks.clear(); sprites.clear(); sprites.add(pc); blocks.addAll(transitionDecorations(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(northWall(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(southWall(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(eastWall(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(westWall(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(nwCorner(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(neCorner(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(swCorner(x, y, z)); blocks.addAll(seCorner(x, y, z)); if(poi(x, y, z) == 0) spawnOrdinaryStuff(); else spawnSpecialStuff(); if(hasDown(x, y, z-1) && room_z > 0) sprites.add(new StairsUp()); } int random_step; int GEOGRAPHY = 0; int CHEST = 1; int STAIRS_DOWN = 2; int BOSS = 3; int PLAIN = 0; int ALL_ENEMIES_DEAD = 1; int SECRET_SWITCH = 2; void giveSpecial() { randomSeed(6 + room_x + 256 * room_y + 65535 * room_z); int prize_peanuts = 1 + (int)random(hereLevel() + room_z * 2) + room_z; int type = int(random(3)); if(type == 2 && max_bombs <= START_BOMBS * room_z) { max_bombs += START_BOMBS; carried_bombs += START_BOMBS; particles.add(new PrizeParticle(START_BOMBS, BOMBS)); } else if(type == 1 && max_rocks <= START_ROCKS * room_z) { max_rocks += START_ROCKS; carried_rocks += START_ROCKS; particles.add(new PrizeParticle(START_ROCKS, ROCKS)); } else { prize_peanuts *= 10; pc_score += prize_peanuts; particles.add(new PrizeParticle(prize_peanuts, PEANUTS)); } } boolean hasDown(int x, int y, int z) { if(poi(x, y, z) >= 1 && (int)roomDanger(x, y, z + 1) > DUNGEON_THRESH/*roomDanger(x, y, z)*/ && (int)roomDanger(x, y, z) > DUNGEON_THRESH) return true; else return false; } float roomScary(int x, int y, int z) { return(roomDanger(x, y, z) + z); } void spawnSpecialStuff() { randomSeed(8 + room_x + 256 * room_y + 65535 * room_z); int special_type = 0; if(hereLevel() > DUNGEON_THRESH) { if(poi(room_x, room_y, room_z) >= 1) { if(hasDown(room_x, room_y, room_z)) special_type = STAIRS_DOWN; else special_type = CHEST; } else special_type = (int)random(2); } int special_trigger = (int)random(2); if(special_type == STAIRS_DOWN) { sprites.add(new StairsDown()); spawnOrdinaryStuff(); } if(done_rooms.contains(new PVector(room_x, room_y, room_z))) { if(special_type == CHEST) blocks.add(new EmptyChest()); } else { if(special_type == CHEST) { if(special_trigger == ALL_ENEMIES_DEAD) { blocks.add(new HidingChest()); spawnFoes(hereLevel()*2 + room_z * 3); } else blocks.add(new FullChest()); } } } void spawnOrdinaryStuff() { randomSeed(8 + room_x + 256 * room_y + 65535 * room_z); int room_level = (int)roomDanger(room_x, room_y, room_z); if(room_level < DUNGEON_THRESH) { for(int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) for(int y = -3; y <= 3; y++) { if(random(1) < 0.08) blocks.add(new Bush(width/2 + x * BASIC_SPRITE_RADIUS * 3, height/2 + y * BASIC_SPRITE_RADIUS * 3)); } } spawnFoes(hereLevel() + random(hereLevel() + room_z * 3)); } void spawnFoes(float difficulty) { if(hereLevel() > DUNGEON_THRESH) //dungeon enemies { if(difficulty > 100) {} else if(difficulty > 10) { sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 9.8) { sprites.add(new MetalSlime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 8) { sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 7) { sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 6) { sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 5) { sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Bat(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 4) { sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } } else //field enemies { if(difficulty > 100) {} else if(difficulty > 4) { sprites.add(new Copter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Copter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Copter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Copter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 3.8) { sprites.add(new Spitter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Spitter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 3.5) { sprites.add(new Spitter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Spitter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Spitter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Spitter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 3) { sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new WanderDude(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 2.5) { sprites.add(new Spitter(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } else if(difficulty > 2) { sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); sprites.add(new Slime(random(width/2)+width/4, random(height/2)+height/4)); } } } float roomRandom(float x, float y, float z) { return noise(x * 0.23, y * 0.23, z*0.23 + random_step++); } ArrayList transitionDecorations(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = new ArrayList(); if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy-1, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(width/2, 0, width/2, height/10, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy-1, rmz)], 0.25))); } if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy+1, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(width/2, height, width/2, height/10, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy+1, rmz)], 0.25))); } if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx-1, rmy, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(0, height/2, height/10, height, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx-1, rmy, rmz)], 0.25))); } if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx+1, rmy, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(width, height/2, height/10, height, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx+1, rmy, rmz)], 0.25))); } if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy-1, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(width/2, 0, width/2, height/30, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy-1, rmz)], 0.5))); } if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy+1, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(width/2, height, width/2, height/30, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy+1, rmz)], 0.5))); } if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx-1, rmy, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(0, height/2, height/32, height, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx-1, rmy, rmz)], 0.5))); } if((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) != (int)roomDanger(rmx+1, rmy, rmz)) { wall_blocks.add(new Decoration(width, height/2, height/32, height, blendColors(floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz)], floor_color[(int)roomDanger(rmx+1, rmy, rmz)], 0.5))); } return wall_blocks; } ArrayList nwCorner(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = new ArrayList(); if(!northWall(rmx, rmy, rmz).isEmpty() || !westWall(rmx, rmy, rmz).isEmpty() || !northWall(rmx-1, rmy, rmz).isEmpty() || !westWall(rmx, rmy-1, rmz).isEmpty()) wall_blocks.add(new Block(0, 0, height/8, height/8, B_SOLID)); return wall_blocks; } ArrayList neCorner(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = nwCorner(rmx + 1, rmy, rmz);; for(Block b : wall_blocks) b.pos.x += width; return wall_blocks; } ArrayList swCorner(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = nwCorner(rmx, rmy+1, rmz); for(Block b : wall_blocks) b.pos.y += height; return wall_blocks; } ArrayList seCorner(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = nwCorner(rmx+1, rmy+1, rmz); for(Block b : wall_blocks){b.pos.x += width; b.pos.y += height;} return wall_blocks; } int poi(int x, int y, int z) { float my_d = roomDanger(x, y, z); if(my_d > roomDanger(x-1, y-1, z) && my_d > roomDanger(x, y-1, z) && my_d > roomDanger(x+1, y-1, z) && my_d > roomDanger(x-1, y, z) && my_d > roomDanger(x+1, y, z) && my_d > roomDanger(x-1, y+1, z) && my_d > roomDanger(x, y+1, z) && my_d > roomDanger(x+1, y+1, z)) return 1; if(my_d < roomDanger(x-1, y-1, z) && my_d < roomDanger(x, y-1, z) && my_d < roomDanger(x+1, y-1, z) && my_d < roomDanger(x-1, y, z) && my_d < roomDanger(x+1, y, z) && my_d < roomDanger(x-1, y+1, z) && my_d < roomDanger(x, y+1, z) && my_d < roomDanger(x+1, y+1, z)) return -1; return 0; } ArrayList northWall(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = new ArrayList(); if(((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) > DUNGEON_THRESH && (int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy-1, rmz) <= DUNGEON_THRESH)) wall_blocks.add(new Block(width/2, 0, width/2, height/8, B_SOLID)); if(((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy-1, rmz) > DUNGEON_THRESH && (int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) <= DUNGEON_THRESH)) { float my_d = roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz); if(my_d > roomDanger(rmx-1, rmy, rmz) && my_d > roomDanger(rmx+1, rmy, rmz) && rmz == 0) { // wall_blocks.add(new DoorShade(width/2, 0, width/4, height/10)); // wall_blocks.add(new DoorShade(width/2, 0, width/4, height/30)); wall_blocks.add(new Block(width/5, 0, width/5, height/8, B_SOLID)); wall_blocks.add(new Block(width*4/5, 0, width/5, height/8, B_SOLID)); } else wall_blocks.add(new Block(width/2, 0, width/2, height/8, B_SOLID)); } return wall_blocks; } ArrayList westWall(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = new ArrayList(); if(((int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) > DUNGEON_THRESH && (int)roomDanger(rmx-1, rmy, rmz) <= DUNGEON_THRESH)) wall_blocks.add(new Block(0, height/2, height/8, height/2, B_SOLID)); if(((int)roomDanger(rmx-1, rmy, rmz) > DUNGEON_THRESH && (int)roomDanger(rmx, rmy, rmz) <= DUNGEON_THRESH)) { wall_blocks.add(new Block(0, height/2, height/8, height/2, B_SOLID)); } return wall_blocks; } ArrayList southWall(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = new ArrayList(); wall_blocks.addAll(northWall(rmx, rmy+1, rmz)); for(Block b : wall_blocks) b.pos.y += height; return wall_blocks; } ArrayList eastWall(int rmx, int rmy, int rmz) { ArrayList wall_blocks = new ArrayList(); wall_blocks.addAll(westWall(rmx+1, rmy, rmz)); for(Block b : wall_blocks) b.pos.x += width; return wall_blocks; } void setup() { size(640, 560); frameRate(600); audioInit(); info_font = loadFont("PressStartK-16.vlw"); title = true; /* stuff.add(new Mote(new PVector(width/6 * 2, height * 2 / 3), M_RED)); stuff.add(new Mote(new PVector(width/6 * 3, height * 2 / 3), M_GREEN)); stuff.add(new Mote(new PVector(width/6 * 4, height * 2 / 3), M_BLUE));

Source code: ld19_circus_peanuts_jam Classes Jukebox Utility_Stuff

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