The game I was working on for this week involved a fair amount of algorithmic complexity behind the scenes, and I wasn’t going to be able to do the concept justice by the deadline. You’ll be getting that game next week. This week, you must instead endure the simpleminded silliness of AVOID SPIKES!
It’s no Dragondot, but it managed to hold my attention for a few minutes.
So like you said it’s simpleminded silliness, as is. Nothing seemed bad, and a couple small things stood out as cool effects. I never played tempest, so I don’t know how much of it was modeled after that, but I liked the columns, and how the ship (?) would tip between the lines. And the pixels flying everywhere as a death effect is very retro. If you could get it to do the… defender? thing, where the explosion pixels erase other pixels when they pass over, that would be cool. (I think defender was the name of the game… could be very wrong.)
Keep the projects rolling!
Whee! My high score is 390.
Looking forward to seeing what we get next week!
Hi! I just found your games today, and I really enjoyed Waverider and Dragondot. But this is the one that I’m commenting on because I think it’s really close to good, except that the scoring system seems odd.
Mainly, it seems to reward *not* avoiding spikes, but blasting them. Which is okay, I guess, but as the game gets faster it becomes an exercise it “duck in, shoot N times, duck out” which … feels sorta strange. I think it would be interesting to see a scoring system based on how many spikes you avoided (so 1 point per spike passed and 0 points per spike shot up) which would make the choice about “avoid or shoot” strategic.
I know, picky, picky. I’m gonna play it again now.
I wonder if the bug is because you server is being overloaded because everyone is playing your games at once, or something wrong with the game itself. I hear the sounds, and moving my mouse and clicking is doing something, but I can’t see a thing.