I knew conceptually what I wanted to do with this game, but it took me a fair amount of work to find the fun. While I had game mechanics percolating in my head, I worked on making a funky background effect for the game instead. The end result is that this is a game about a funky background effect, and also you dodge and collect stuff. So yeah.
This game’s title was provided by Nathan Wilson.
Game 26: Drawn Inward,
kinda hurts my eyes a bit, but I enjoyed it a lot.
I really like games based on physics, even if loosely based. I perceived the background as gravity being drawn towards the player. I dunno if that was the intention, but it made sense to me.
I thought I was too tired after my move so it’s good to hear it hurts someone else’s eyes. But if you don’t count that this is pretty cool game. Music fits perfectly.
High Score 2635! Nice game, Nathan. It feels like a game of endurance. It doesn’t necessarily get harder after a while, so it’s more about not making any mistakes for a long time. I like the health system too. It’s more forgiving then a 3-hits-and-your-dead design.
Nice work!
Forgive me for spamming your comments, but I wanted to post my new high score and thoughts. 7970! Huzzah!
This game is about greed. You’re trying to barely dodge all of the dots so you can get a big enough combo to set them all off. The greed comes in when you try to get too close to the swarm of dots chasing you so that a lot will blow up in your small blast radius. The best is when you build up your first combo forever, get hit by a dot, and receive a final score of 0. Classic.
I’m a fan!
I figured I better append my user name so that it doesn’t clash with the authors.
I love this game! I agree with all the above points. I love the health system, I like the feel of being a black hole and pulling everything toward you. Even the way you can get some dots to orbit around you for a couple turns. This game is very addictive! Fun background music too.
7059. I figured out a strategy that will let me get a pretty high score most of the time. Go in circles! Go in big circles around the board while dodging single dots on your way around. This will slowly make all of them congregate in a big ball in the middle, and the new ones coming in from the sides won’t be so thick that you can’t go past without hitting three and dying. Then as you slowly hit the bombs it will decrease the big central mass of orbiting blue to a manageable size.
Nathan (Wilson), you’re strategy’s good except for the last part. You’re not trying to pick off bits of that huge central swarm. You’re trying to take out the entire thing in one fell swoop! It’s a combo system where the more dots you take out, the more exponentially larger your score will be.
Also, 29,940.
Haha, brilliant. =D I knew I was setting myself up for trouble with that quadratic scoring system…