Archive for January, 2011

Game 45: Wavespark II

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w00t! I am really, really satisfied with this one, though I don’t know whether that’s in spite or because of the sleep it’s cost me. I personally feel that it’s a worthy successor to the original Wavespark, while still being a new and different game of its own. Enjoy!

This game’s title was provided by Ben Lehman.

Update: For those of you who are having trouble with the web version, I’ve created a downloadable version for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Game 45 progress report

Nearing completion. Stayed up all night coding. Have been awake for over 24 hours. More later.


Game 44: One Year

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Whew. This game was way more exhausting than it had any right to be, and I’m still a little frustrated with how unpolished it is – but I think it’s time to call this one done. “One Year” brought to mind cycles, circles, and segments thereof – and thus you get a circley segmented puzzle game. Cheers!

This game’s title was provided by Pierre Corbinais.

Game 44 progress report

Sorry for the slow progress on this one. Been spending a lot of time sorting out weird bugs rather than actually implementing gameplay. It’s not a game yet, but you can see what I have so far here.

1/17/11 7:47pm – Starting to look more gamelike.
1/17/11 8:40pm – Delayed further on account of spilt Spaghettios.

Game 43: Mechalyte

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Okay, here’s something different. I’ve been brewing this for a while, but never got around to writing it up. I eventually decided that I may as well put it out there, get some feedback, and see what people think of me posting a different sort of game here. So grab a friend and some dice, and enjoy.

Donation Multipliers

I’ve reworked the title scoreboard a little, ranking it in points rather than flat monetary value. This is because I’ve added a score multiplier system. By completing the following missions, you can earn a bonus to your next donation, getting you more ranking for your buck. Note that these are additively cumulative, so for example if you bought two soundtrack albums and linked me from your blog, your next donation’s score would be multiplied by 145%.
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Game 42: What If

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I’m not really sure that this is a game. I think it might be a poem without any words.

This game’s title was provided by Cassio Carmo.

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