Just wrapped up another exciting and exhausting Ludum Dare, and I’m pretty satisfied with the result. I think my pixeling skills are improving a little. The theme was “Tiny World”, and from there I went with a notion inspired by The Little Prince and Minecraft, expressed in 8×8 pixel blocks. Check it out!
I’m honestly stumped past “Build a crate” and “Plant a Tree”. I can also make clouds and make chests, but nothing else I’ve tried does anything useful.
Managed to plant a cloud, which promptly evaporated. Still stuck.
Nice one!
You’ve obviously gotten tons better due to all that game-a-week practice
Looks much nicer and more polished than most of the other games of yours I’ve tried. Good job!
Spoilers ahead:
To make a crate slam wood into wood. To plant a tree slam leaves anywhere then slam the resulting acorn into a earth block then slam water into the planted block. But I don’t know how to make clouds if they’re not already there, I don’t know how to “plant a tree in an unusual place, and I don’t know how to open the crate gently. HALP!
Joe: water + fire …
I’m stuck where everyone else is. I know slamming a crate into a crate makes a chest, and slamming water into the fire makes clouds, but where do I go from there?
For some reason slamming water on the fire didn’t work, or I didn’t do it right. But it works now. Huzzah. And clouds were what I needed to progress. Got the victory diamond. However, what’s the point of the stone?
I’m a loser I know, but I simply read the source to manage to win the game. It’s hard even with all the cheat.
Nathan: Try planting into the cloud
Great game and well done, especially in only a short jam! Was fun to play and figure out. I wish the stone did something though. I did manage to end with only the victory diamond left, falling through space forever.