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Game 43: Mechalyte

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Okay, here’s something different. I’ve been brewing this for a while, but never got around to writing it up. I eventually decided that I may as well put it out there, get some feedback, and see what people think of me posting a different sort of game here. So grab a friend and some dice, and enjoy.

Donation Multipliers

I’ve reworked the title scoreboard a little, ranking it in points rather than flat monetary value. This is because I’ve added a score multiplier system. By completing the following missions, you can earn a bonus to your next donation, getting you more ranking for your buck. Note that these are additively cumulative, so for example if you bought two soundtrack albums and linked me from your blog, your next donation’s score would be multiplied by 145%.
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Game 42: What If

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I’m not really sure that this is a game. I think it might be a poem without any words.

This game’s title was provided by Cassio Carmo.

Circus Peanuts updated

* Improved music
* Spin attack
* Additional weapons
* Additional enemies
* More terrain variation
* Level 2 sword
* Boss fight

There’s still more to be added, but right now it’s bedtime.


No new game this weekend, as I’ll be visiting family for a while. There will likely be an update to Circus Peanuts tonight or tomorrow, though, as I polish a few more things.

Best seasonal wishes to you and yours. =)

Game 41: Circus Peanuts

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This is my entry for Ludum Dare #19, “Discovery”. There’s a lot I didn’t get to (like more than 3 kinds of enemies, geography besides bushes, and stuff in chests besides peanuts). Even so, there’s still plenty to discover (check out the megadungeon at (-20, -142, 0) if you have some time on your hands). Go explore.

This game’s title was provided by Jonathan McCoy.

Game 40: Violent Antipathy

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This was a tough one. I had a lot of scattered design ideas (at one point it was a combination Tetris-ripoff/shmup), but it was hard to coalesce them into a single game. I finally got a game together that is both passably novel and playably coherent. And it does not involve ants.

This game’s title was provided by Mark Rush.

Game 40 progress report

So, my apartment has recently become infested with ants. I find them quite distracting and distressing, especially when they’re crawling across my desk as I try to code. Perhaps as a coping mechanism, the puzzle game I was trying to make turned into an ant simulation instead. Turns out that for all their apparent creepy sophistication, they’re pretty much just dumb little twitchy Turing machines (or at least can be convincingly modeled as such).

I’m feeling a bit better, but this doesn’t even remotely resemble a game yet.

Game 39: Snake Oil

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This game is sort of like a cross between Asteroids and the classic snake game. Only you spin the stuff instead of eating it or shooting it. And sometimes you catch on fire. And… yeah. Anyway.

This game’s title was provided by Jonathan McCoy.

Game 38: Excessive Bludgeoning

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Another tiny simple game, intended to be nothing more than what it is. It’s good to do stuff like this sometimes. Enjoy.

This game’s title was provided by Chris Triolo.

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