Category: News

Potential Delay

So I’ve been moving to a new apartment this weekend, and haven’t really had much time to work on the game. I’ll be getting it done as soon as I can, but this is a game I want to get right (because it’s got an awesome title and guest-star music), and so it might be delayed by a day or two. Just a heads-up to my loyal fans. =)

EDIT: Or not. ;D

Ludum Dare 18: beginning soon!

My game for this week will be whatever I end up making for Ludum Dare. You can follow my progress over there. This is gonna be fun.

Income has been sparse lately, so I’m trying something a little unusual: people who donate to the site get to pick the titles of upcoming games. Here’s how this’ll work:

  • You make a donation through my nifty Paypal button. Use the “add special instructions” link to request a game title.
  • I will keep a chart of donations made (and corresponding titles) in the sidebar. At 11:59 PM Pacific time on Sunday, the top-ranked donation determines the title for the following week’s game, and that title gets removed from the list (moving the next one up the chart). Ties go to the earliest submission.
  • You determine the title, but I make no guarantees about how I’ll interpret it in making the game. However, chances are very good that it’ll be a substantial source of inspiration – if you want “Dragondot’s Extreme Beach Volleyball”, I’m not likely to make it a shmup.
  • This should go without saying, but: nothing spammy (“Game #N: visit”), patently offensive (according to my own judgment), libelous, or trademark-infringing. If this happens I may, at my discretion, email you to offer you another chance to choose a title. This is something fun I’m doing to thank people for supporting my games, not a service I’m selling.
  • I will be selecting donation-titles on July 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th. If this experiment goes well, it will continue past that point – otherwise, it’ll be back to my usual idiosyncractic naming.


A change I’ve been planning for a while, and current circumstances (roommate moving out) make it worthwhile to do so now – new games will now be posted on Sunday nights rather than Wednesdays. This gives me a larger contiguous chunk of time to work on games, and also a bit more flexibility in my ongoing job search. Thanks for staying tuned, and I’ll have a cool game for you folks on Sunday. =)

Soundtrack released!

Go get it!

A bit late

Hit a showstopper bug at the last minute. Bear with me…


That’s right, apparently one of my games has become popular enough to garner some fanart. It was posted in the comments, but I wanted to put a link to it here so it could get the attention it deserves: A unique interpretation of Dragondot. Complete with kobolds!

Open during construction

Tweaking some stylesheet settings to rework the look of my page. Things may get a little wild around here for a bit.

Wavespark loading issues

Several people have reported long load times/appearing to be frozen with Wavespark. I’ve uploaded a version without sound to see if the loading of sound assets is the issue. Please let me know if this helps or not – my access to additional computers to test with is limited at the moment.

Stargrazing with less lag

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Several people have mentioned that later levels of Stargrazing suffer from very slow framerates on their computer. I’ve compiled another version, with a faster but sloppier rendering engine, playable here. This should help substantially with lag issues.

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