Tag Archive: abstract

Game 42: What If

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I’m not really sure that this is a game. I think it might be a poem without any words.

This game’s title was provided by Cassio Carmo.

Game 36: Neutronium Verge

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As abstract as this game is, it was indeed inspired by the title – “Neutronium Verge” brought to mind two things for me: density and thresholds. So I thought about a puzzle game about fitting things together densely, and something suddenly happening once a particular threshold of density was met. This is the result.

This game’s title was provided by Matt Kurtz.

Game 31: Placeholder II

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So, yeah. Abstract and music-y. Grab green things. This was a difficult title to design for mostly because there’s nothing to really build on. My first approach was a game about placeholding, and it… didn’t really work. So I scrapped it and made a music toy. And then added scoring and a time limit to turn it into a game. Sorry about the delay.Go play it.

This game’s title was provided by Jonathan McCoy.

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