Tag Archive: experimental

Game 43: Mechalyte

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Okay, here’s something different. I’ve been brewing this for a while, but never got around to writing it up. I eventually decided that I may as well put it out there, get some feedback, and see what people think of me posting a different sort of game here. So grab a friend and some dice, and enjoy.

Game 42: What If

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I’m not really sure that this is a game. I think it might be a poem without any words.

This game’s title was provided by Cassio Carmo.

Game 30: Somnius ex Machina

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This game’s title was provided by Ben Lehman.
This game’s music was contributed by John Axon.

Game 20: Icarace

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This is another experiment with one-button controls. In designing and tuning this game, I found myself trying to strike a balance between “fun” and “thought-provoking”. In the end, it came down to a single variable I could adjust, and I went with a middle ground between game-as-game and game-as-artistic-statement. Hopefully it still works as both; as always, I’d love to hear your opinion in the comments. If there’s enough of a consensus one way or the other I may end up adjusting the aforementioned variable just to mess with you guys. :P

This game is dedicated to the people who bother to read these posts. (Yes, you!) Go play Icarace!

Game 19: Shellbreak

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The current EGP theme is “casual addiction”. This is one of my explorative games on that theme – basically, seeing how casually-addictive I can make a shmup-type game. So this is kind of a nontraditional shmup: you can’t die, everything is about time and score. You have 2 minutes to get as many points as you can, using your laser-zap to break the big things and bullets to destroy the small things. There’s not even any title or game over screen to slow you down, if you want to hop right back into the action. Give it a shot, and please post feedback in the comments. =)

Go play Shellbreak!

Game 15: Grapplish

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Working on something big for next week. To tide you over, I’ve made a rather pretty and incomprehensible game called Grapplish. It started off as a fairly typical swing-on-a-rope-from-point-to-point game, and then kinda went off the deep end graphically. (Playtesting revealed that at the least I should make the orbited points visible, and the score numerical rather than made of shapes.) Anyway: play Grapplish.

Game 09: Squidfold

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Squidfold may or may not be about anything.

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